Sometimes it’s a little nerve racking to ask someone on a date.
“Why would she want to go out with me? She seems amazing! What do I have to offer her?”
When guys say this to me, I try to flip the perspective.
“First, you’re a good guy. Second, here are some of the qualities you bring to the table. Don’t you think she would want a person with qualities like that? Third, it’s not just a one-sided request. You’re offering her an opportunity too – which could turn out to be the opportunity of a lifetime. But neither of you will know unless you ask!”
How many times do we approach a potential opportunity wondering if we measure up and discount what we bring to the table?
At our last CYP event, we set a record with 26 new first time guests. (We call these folks our “Most Important People” of the night – if that was you, I hope you felt that way!)
Just like asking for a date, it can be tough to visit a new group and put yourself out there. I loved reminding several of our new guests that YOU add a lot to the experience for others as well. You offer your ideas, personality, connections and friendship – even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. That’s not nothing – that’s something!
I don’t know what opportunities are in front of you right now. I hope they’re amazing – especially if they require you to put your best foot forward. And don’t forget: God thinks you’re pretty special – and He hasn’t been wrong yet.