That’s a question a friend of mine asked me this past week.

I’ll be honest – that question gets me excited. Just the fact that she’s asking means she’s already on the right track!

But I also have to acknowledge that question is usually driven by some type of discontentedness or unalignment. It’s like needing an adjustment from the chiropractor and being uncomfortable until your appointment.

Purpose can be a complicated topic, so let’s start with what it isn’t. Purpose isn’t a job. It’s not even a career. It’s not a field of study, hobby or a side hustle. And success can’t scratch the purpose itch.

The way I describe purpose is that it’s the contribution you most want to make. It’s what you want most to give and how others will benefit from your contribution.

There’s always a person on the other end of our purpose. That’s why it’s a contribution, not an achievement.

How we express our purpose will change over time, just like the jobs that eventually make up our resume.

If you’re not quite sure what your purpose is, that’s okay. Just start where you are! What do you care about? What must change in the world? Who needs help? How are you gifted? What contribution could you make? And what’s the next step?

It also reminds me of my verse for the year: Romans 11:29, “For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable” (NIV). That means we’ve all been given a special purpose and have already been equipped to get started!

That’s one of the great things I love about CYP. We understand purpose is a process and we get to pursue it together.