One of the silver linings of the past year has been that people have been thinking more consciously about what’s most important to them. The only problem is, that’s not always easy to figure out. In fact, in my young professionals book Stand Out, I share that it’s easy to complain about what we don’t like (because it annoys us) but difficult to know what we really want.

Just last week I got a message from an individual who was experienced, energetic… and stuck.

“Not knowing what I want is my biggest problem,” he said. “If I had an actual plan, I could follow it. Can you help point me in the right direction?”

It’s a conversation I’ve heard over and over again the past year… but at least they’re talking about it. It kind of reminds me of the Bible story of Bartimaeus, who was a blind beggar. When Jesus was passing by, Bartimaeus caused so much commotion that he stopped the show. Jesus came to him and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”

It must have seemed so obvious to everyone else that day, but Jesus still made him say the words.

“Lord, I want to see!”

The reason I bring that up is because I hope CYP is a place where it’s normal to put words to our big desires. You know, like, “I’m an administrative assistant but I’d really like to be an attorney!” or “If I could just find the right people, I’d like to start a new outreach program!”

Because in our group, the natural response is usually something like, “That’s awesome! How can I help?”

I’m not sure what it is that you want, but I hope you’ll tell us the next time we see you. And who knows, maybe you’ll run into a group of people who want the same thing. That’s when things really get fun!